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EV button

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EV button  Empty Re: EV button

Post by Screwu Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:52 am

Love the mistress part....hehe...yeah keep it off all the time..but sometimes, like one of the owners here, the engine keeps running during standstill ie charging battery...until full. So press the ev button to 'force' the engine to stop. Once it's running on battery, switch ev off


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Join date : 2013-06-26

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EV button  Empty Re: EV button

Post by AudiAudi Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:53 am

Good day Admin,
Appreciate your sharing.. And thank you in advance...

Audiaudi Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy 


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EV button  Empty Re: EV button

Post by Admin Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:09 am

Bro audi audi

Congrats on your new a6h.

I've never used the EV button since day one. From the overseas prius forums, the use of it is usually confined to when you foresee a slow creep ahead eg looking for a car park Bay, reaching the last 50-100 meters to your home and if you wish to sneak out quietly at night to meet your mistress.

But let me fill you in. You can replace EV mode just by feathering the throttle ie slow pulse on the accelerator, usually below 20 on the power meter and you can glide on battery power alone.

Which means, the EV mode is totally meaningless to me and your SA is correct. Just leave it at off and let the ECU decide base on the weightage you put in your right foot.

You can save fuel by learning the hybrid driving techniques like pulse and glide, anticipatory driving etc but the fuel saving will not be prius territory because the a6h is an obese 1.8 tonnes. I'm averaging between 8.5 to 9.7l /100km, the higher being I've started to enjoy the car more in sports mode when I'm on the long weekend stretches while using grandma hybrid mode on regular weekdays

My friend is averaging 11l/100km while he was doing 15l/100km on his 325i on the same city traffic routes. So, yes, the a6h does save fuel but don't expect prius or insight benchmarks.

Lastly, enjoy the car. It's a blast to drive on sports mode


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Join date : 2013-06-25

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EV button  Empty EV button

Post by Admin Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:53 am

I've got this enquiry on my inbox and thought that I'll just paste and reply it here for the benefit of all. Share your thoughts too

Good day Admin,

Firstly, I really appreciate your efforts to start up this forum for all A6H owners to share information.

As this is my first hybrid car, I would like to seek your kind advice wheter have you always turn on the EV button for normal driving or just keep it off at all time?

My SA from Audi KL ask to off the button at all time for better fuel consumption. AS have no confidence with the SA advices as I think he just know how to sell cars. I just have a 10 minutes explanation when I collect my car on 26th Dec maybe due to festive season. I was told to call him if have any issues on the car.

I am taking your advice to gain better fuel consumptions mileage.

All your kind advices are well appreciated. Thank you.


Posts : 186
Join date : 2013-06-25

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EV button  Empty Re: EV button

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